If you would like to file a complaint, please contact our company complaints department via email jigglejigglelive@hotmail.com. All complaints will be reviewed and addressed within 7 business days via email reply to your complaint.
If you have been depicted in any content and would like to appeal removal of such content, please notify us by sending an email here jigglejigglelive@hotmail.com. If there should there be a disagreement regarding an appeal, we will allow the disagreement to be resolved by a neutral body.
All complaints will be reviewed by the admin team and assessed on an individual basis to see if any site policies have been violated or if any laws have been broken.
Whilst the complaint(s) is/are being assessed this could lead to a suspension of a user’s/performers account depending on the severity of the complaint(s).
Once a conclusion has been drawn on the complaint the individual in dispute has the opportunity to appeal the outcome. The appeal will be heard and an attempt will be made to reach a satisfactory conclusion for all parties involved.
Potential Outcomes:
Any individual who violates the platforms policies (Jigglejiggle.com) will be banned from registering an account on the platform (both as a performer and user).
If the user breaks any laws their details will be passed onto the police for federal prosecution.